You can stay on track and still enjoy your vacation!
Isn’t it the truth that most of us are so motivated preparing for a trip just to sacrifice all that hard work for indulgences and bad habits? There is no reason that you shouldn’t be able to maintain your healthy habits while on vacation. The key is to find a healthy balance!
In this guide, you will find many tips that will help you manage your nutrition, supplementation, fitness plan, and much more!
Stay Active!
Plan healthy activities that force you to get moving! This plan can include a temporary gym membership nearby or taking advantage of the hotel gym! If you’re planning an outdoorsy trip, find some hiking trails, go swimming, try kayaking or stand-up paddling. You will have more energy for the day and your body will be able to boost immunity and metabolism while you find your “balance”. Last, but not least- don’t forget to stretch regularly!
Expert tip to consider: Exercise in the morning– your immune system and metabolism will be boosted for the rest of the day!
What and How to Eat!
Your nutrition shouldn’t be perfect while on vacation, there will be treats and indulgences that should be enjoyed. It is important to practice moderation with ultra-fatty & sugary meals. Depending on your diet, it may be wise to focus on a healthy protein, greens, and an easily digestible carbohydrate. If you’re practicing Veganism, Keto, or any other diet, be conscientious of what foods promote healthy digestion and gut health. It won’t hurt to prepare healthy snacks for your adventures. If you know you’re going to be outside or away from easily accessible food, pack some fruit or your favorite healthy snack!
Expert Tip: Go grocery shopping when you arrive to your vacation destination! If you have the space to store food and drink, shop for the foods that you would typically eat while on your routine at home.
Don’t Forget Your Supplements!
If you take daily supplements, then vacation is no reason to stop that part of your routine. A protein shake can be a very sensible snack while you are on the go and need some protein to stay in an anabolic state [your body is building or repairing tissue]. If you take a greens supplement to promote a healthy digestive system, vacation habits are all-the-more reason to limit bloating and inflammation. A tip for any travelers with supplements, measure out your powders/vitamins/pills into separate Ziploc baggies and determine how many portions you need during your trip. You don’t need to bag your vitamins/pills, but if you’re trying to reserve space, then this will help! I recommend keeping your supps in your personal pack in case you need to take them on the go and to prevent them from opening in your carry-on/checked bag.
Expert Tip: When bagging your supplements, double bag them!
Avoid Drinking Your Calories!
Water will probably be your best friend while traveling. It is crucial to stay hydrated through the madness of going through all the hoops of travel. When staying hydrated, your metabolism will be able to perform more seamlessly and decrease bloating. Your brain and skin will also thank you!
Expert Tip: Always have a refillable water bottle with you. Every airport has water filling stations with filtered water.
Get Enough Sleep!
Most of us make the mistake of getting too excited on our first night on vacation and let loose! Although, you should be able to enjoy vacation, you may be experiencing time-change or climate-change. Your body needs to adjust properly, and a lack of sleep will not allow your internal clock to reset. If you’re waking up with a hangover, the effects may be much more intense as well. It may be wise to get drinks earlier than usual. This way, you can still have your fun and get enough sleep for the next day’s adventures!
Expert Tip: Set a time to go home each night if you’re out. Bed-time is such a glorious time after a long day!
Moderation, practicing healthy habits, and establishing a routine doesn’t have to be impossible when you’re trying to enjoy your time off. If you’re motivated by a fit lifestyle, these tips can help you mentally prepare for your upcoming summer vacation!
Check out some of our member’s most recent adventures!
Kelsey @ Trinity Alps Brooke @ South Lake Tahoe Trails John & Family @ Shanghai
I try to find fun activities to do when traveling, I always make sure that I’m staying hydrated and I Bring at least two pairs of walking shoes
like renting bikes, kayaks, or finding running routes. have easy access to my daily supplements! just in case your first pair gives you issues!